Tel: +40 248 281 550

Code of conduct

This Code of Conduct defines the principles and commitment that Subansamble Auto SA assumes itself concerning  the respecting  laws and the rights of employees, children and young  people, environmental protection, health and safety at work, integrity and fairness in dealing with stakeholders / business partners.

 Applying the Code of Conduct is the responsibility of each employee, with employees being encouraged to promote it in all the activities they carry out.

Subansamble Auto S.A encourages business partners to adopt the principles of this Code.

Principles that Subansamble Auto S.A applies in business management are:

1) Respecting legal requirements and other requirements. Combating corruption and bribery:

       - respects with the laws, regulations and regulations in Romania and other countries in which it operates;
       - does not allow money (bribes), tolls, loans, financial guarantees, gifts, travel expenses, accommodation, entertainment or other unlawful use, in any form, to public employees, our employees, clients or suppliers for influencing inappropriate nature of any action or decision to promote the business interests of Subansamble Auto;
       - does not allow its employees to seek or accept benefits such as bribe, coffers, loans, financial guarantees, gifts or other unlawful uses in any form, method or purpose;
        - actively participates in the fight against corruption, fraud and discourages the use of dishonest or illegal means to gain business benefits;
         - reports to the state institutions, according to the legislation in force, including those stipulated by the Law 656/2002 on the prevention and sanctioning of money laundering, as well as for the establishment of measures to prevent and combat the financing of acts of terrorism;
       - does not establish business relations with economic agents active in countries supporting terrorism;
        - employees Subansamble Auto S.A. will avoid all situations where conflicts of interests may arise. Employees will avoid having personal relationships or financial interests in other businesses that engage in business with Subansamble Auto S.A. ;
     - prohibits the falsification of documents, including those elaborated by the authorities regarding the activity;
      - requires its suppliers mastering these principles on fighting corruption; does not initiate and continue business relationships with partners who do not respect these principles.

2) Ethics in customer relations, suppliers and community:

- delivering safe and quality products and services;
- strengthens relationships with customers, suppliers and the community by creating mutually beneficial partnerships based on trust, honesty, integrity and respect;
- apply correct marketing policies;
- does not apply discriminative actions in the selection of suppliers;
 - requests on suppliers to comply with legal requirements relating to environmental protection, health and safety at work and respect for human and labor rights;
  - provides communication and solving problems in relation to customers, suppliers and community;
  - ensuring the confidentiality of information transferred from customers and suppliers in business relationships (including contract terms, drawings, drafts, technical specifications, reference samples and other product development information).
  - respect intellectual property rights including patentable rights;

3)  Respecting human and employees rights

- respects  the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 10 Principles of the Global Compact on Human Rights;
- does not apply preferential or discriminatory treatments  for employment, pay or distribution of work tasks by gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social or ethnic origin;
- guarantees religious freedom for employees (beliefs and religious practices);
- respects  the employees' right to association, to be represented by trade unions or otherwise;
- prohibits illegal, forced, imposed, involuntary, trafficked or slave labor within the organization, group units, and requires the same suppliers or third parties;
- ensures the increase of the personnel performance and its involvement in the organization's benefit through training, awareness and motivation;
- managers or employees of Subansamble Auto S.A. they will not harass or discriminate against any colleague or business partner for any reason.
- ensures the confidentiality and security of personal data in the possession or use of the organization and informs the data subjects about their rights under EU Regulation No. 679/2016, as well as the possibility of exercising them.

4) Respecting the rights of children and young people

- does not accept the work done by children in its units, subcontractors or suppliers;
- comply with national and international legislation in this field and request this also from its subcontractors and suppliers;
- respects the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), which provides that the best interests of the child always prevail, respects the child's right to be protected from economic exploitation and not to work hard to affect his / her education, mental health, mental, spiritual, moral or social development;
- complies with the International Labor Organization's Convention no. 138 of 1973 and the Labor Code of Romania regarding the minimum age of employment;
- comply with the International Labor Organization's Convention no. 182/1999 on the prohibition of the worst forms of child labor and immediate action for their elimination;
- Accepts the work of young people with the avoidance of heavy, dangerous work, night work and observance of the working hours of up to 6 hours / day, so as not to endanger the health, safety and morality of young people.

5) Environment, health and occupational safety protection

aims to ensure that all production units meet the requirements of the Health and Safety Management and Environmental Management Standards in force and to be certified in accordance with these standards;
Ensure environmental protection and pollution prevention, maintain the health and safety of staff working for or on behalf of the organization;
is committed to the efficient exploitation of natural / non-renewable resources by reducing energy consumption, raw materials and finding ways to reduce, recover and recycle waste;
uses manufacturing technologies that have no impact on the atmosphere, soil and water;
manages employee health and safety by identifying hazards and assessing the risks of injury and occupational disease at work by applying active mitigation measures of risks.

Responsible for implementing and monitoring compliance with the Code of Conduct is the Human Resources Director.

Employees of the organization or other interested parties have the right to make complaints if they find violations of the provisions of this Code of Conduct. These complaints are registered in the "Register of Suggestions and Complaints" established within the Human Resources Department.

The organization ensures the confidentiality, anonymity and protection of the persons who make complaints. People who declare their identity will not suffer any repercussions.

Depending on the person's option, the referral may be:
- addressed directly to the Human Resources Director;
- filed with the Contentious Legal Service or at the Secretariat;
- deposited in the "Suggestions and Notices" boxes in the production sections;
- sent by post or put into the envelope at the headquarters of the organization;
- sent to e.mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
- transmitted to the trade union organization.

The management of the organization guarantees an objective analysis of the received notifications and a legal and rapid resolution of deviations from this Code of Conduct.

The results of the analysis and the resolution will be communicated to the person who made the referral if his / her identity is known. If the person is anonymous, the corrective measures taken by the organization will be communicated to the organization so that the message reaches the person who made the referral.

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